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Why become a member of the Tenants’ Initiative?

Membership in INN is not only about a joint effort to improve the conditions of tenants in the Czech Republic. It is also about solidarity, belonging and collective support of all members. Everyone can also decide how active a member they want to be: Either you can get involved in a specific tenant cause or working group and regularly participate in the running of the Initiative. Or you can just occasionally hand out flyers at the Initiative’s next public event. Or you can become a passive member and turn to the Initiative when you run into a problem with your landlord.

Thanks to regular contributions, membership also has specific benefits:

Member support

  • provision of legal assistance and advice from friendly lawyers
  • help when applying for housing allowance from our cooperating network of social workers
  • collective support in negotiations with the owner
  • support in organizing neighborhood meetings in your neighborhood

Material benefits of membership

  • an organizing manual published by the Initiative in 2022
  • membership of the Ponrepo cinema club and discounted half-price admission to cinema screenings
  • the opportunity to educate yourself: free educational events, workshops and training sessions


  • the possibility of direct implementation with active involvement in the Initiative
  • the possibility to get involved in specific cases that try to solve individual cases and situations of affected tenants
  • the opportunity to make decisions and directly influence the form and future direction of the Initiative

How do I become a member?

You can do so at our regular meetings in Prague and Brno or fill out the form and we will get back to you.

The goal of INN is financial independence so that we can best defend the rights of tenants. Therefore, members pay monthly contributions, which enable us to organize events, continue to grow, or support co-tenants in need. Contributions are in the amount of CZK 50 / CZK 150 / CZK 250, depending on the financial possibilities of our members.

If you have other questions or experience injustice from the owner of the apartment, write us an e-mail at:

Together we can strengthen the rights of tenants and ensure decent housing for all. We can’t do it alone. Join the Initiative!